Aussie Depo

Discover and Compare Australian Term Deposits

Top performing Australian treasury bonds & High Interest Saving Accounts.

We carefully, find you the best investment term deposits and high interest savings accounts that are available across Australian market. Access a complete comparison range.

Complete this short form and discover our newest comparison of Australian Term Deposits!

Focusing on High Performing Fixed Rate Term Deposits!

Simplifying Your Term Deposit Choices

There is a wide range of available options on the market. We aggregate each option so you can compare the Term deposits market in an easy format and make the best choice for yourself.

Secure Growth with Fixed Interest Options

Fixed Term Deposits and High Interest Savings Accounts earn a fixed interest rate for a fixed period of time.

Years Experience
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Accountants Team
0 +
Client Totals
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Maximize Your Savings with Fixed Rate Investments

A fixed term deposit or a high interest savings account could be an attractive investment opportunity if you
have more than $10k to deposit and you want to earn a fixed interest rate over a fixed period of time.

Common Questions Answered

Find Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

We will offer you a step-by-step guideline to start your Term Deposit account. Our system singles out the top Fixed Rate Term Deposits and high interest savings accounts which match your criteria based on your desired interest rate accordingly.
If you are interested in making your savings profitable, a Fixed Rate Term Deposit could do that for you. Our partners offer different term deposits ensuring returns up to 8.3% per annum.
